Founded in 2004, the Sunyata Group is an applied research, development, implementation, and renewal think-tank that focuses on leadership development, inclusive economic development, systemic wellbeing development, cultural infrastructure development, and environmental infrastructure development. The Sunyata Group builds Beloved Community(s) that continually develop, exemplify, and propagate Diversity (embody multiple perspectives), Inclusion (Belonging: Social cohesion and resilience), and Equity (specific needs of each Person AND Community are met). 

Sunyata Group provides structural-technical and cultural-relation systems, processes, and protocols, and practices required to address extinction-level issues and solutions in critical areas of human development and impact. These critical areas include leadership development; inclusive economic development (housing and property ownership and business investment development); systemic wellbeing development (evidence-based systemic individual and organizational health and wellness); cultural infrastructure development (education, arts, sports, information technology, and transportation); and sustainable environmental infrastructure development (food, energy, and water resources-practices-technologies). The Sunyata Group serves as a Strategic Thinking Partner (organizational behavior | Beloved Community development | systems architecture | prototyping | service delivery) in providing management and integration (M&I) analysis, design, development, operations, support, and/or direct delivery of programs, projects, consultations, coaching, and mentoring services leadership, organizational development, community development, sustainability, and health and wellness.

The Sunyata Group website is a digital resource for clients, partners, and researchers to: participate in and/or track Sunyata Group events; read about Sunyata Group activities, outcomes, and insights (calendar | news | blogs | briefings | articles); engage in conversations (live and asynchronous digital forums); and fund Sunyata Group initiatives.